Night Winds

Night Winds

Phone August 14 1725

Waking at midnight,
I listen to ghosts wail and fight
and tap, tap, my door

The wind cries and moans
circles my house like a ghost
waiting for my soul

The ghosts have come out
to play in these city streets—
they call out ‘join us…’

A banshee dances
with chimes: a message to the brave:
‘ dance with me, come dance.’

In darkness a knock,
outside the gate shivers forth—
empty but the wind

tiptoeing in dreams
through the dark hallway to night—
departed souls wait

The door gusts open
wind enters, beckons, draws me
out into the wild

A ghost in the night
surrounded by the unseen
naked in the night

wind softens to breath,
soul and hair akimbo
I return inside.

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